St. James Meets the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays 8pm, Grand Lodge East Riverdale, GA

Greetings from Worshipful Master Roderick A. Smith Jr.,

I am immensely honored and indeed humbled to be elected and to serve as Worshipful Master of St. James Lodge #4 for the year 2025. I realize that with such a great honor comes great responsibility.

My vision is simple. The Trestle Board is full of Service and Fellowship. Service to each other, service to our Eastern Stars, service to our community, service to our widows and youth, service to our Grand Lodge, and thereby ultimately service to The Grand Architect of The Universe. Getting to know one another through fellowship is vital to the continuing Legacy of Exceptional Works of which St. James Lodge #4 is distinctly known for.

Finally, my brothers, let us all be of one mind. Always come together in Peace; and may the God of Love and Peace forever be with St. James Lodge #4.

St. James Lodge # 4 convenes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM at the Most Worshipful Price Hall Grand Lodge (Grand East) located at 7340 Old National Hwy, Riverdale, GA 30296

Roderick A. Smith Jr. 32°
Worshipful Master

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